
May 18

TeAM T3 get-together May 2010

What would it feel like to be able to share a day with Nobel Peace Prize winner Dr. Muhammad Yunus of Grameen Bank and at the same time to share a word and a handshake with President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hilary Clinton? To also be one of only a select few in the world to be invited to the Presidential Summit on Entrepreneurship and spend a month in the USA as a guest of...
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May 15

TeAM Recommendations on NEM

Hi, We have a draft paper on our recommendation for the New Economic Model (NEM). Here is the link to the file: TeAM NEM Recommendations for publication As mentioned during our Annual General Meeting 2 weeks ago, feel free to comment on this by sending an email to Wing Yew by 5:00pm on Wednesday 19th May 2010. We will then present it to the government. Many thanks to...
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May 14

Market Alert 9/2010 China’s Health Ref...

• The Chinese government announced in 2009 its plans to invest 850 billion yuan over the next three years to ensure fair and affordable care for the entire 1.3 billion population. • Since announcing the plans last year to revamp the Chinese medical system with the injection of 850 billion yuan over the next three years, foreign technology firms have been scouting for opportunities...
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May 11

Malaysian Biotechnology Country Report 2...

Click here to download “the file Malaysian Biotechnology Country Report...
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May 07

Go Global-US initiative and the support ...

The Go Global-US programme headed by TeAM and NEF, supported by MDeC, is getting further support from MATRADE. MATRADE is providing business matching as well as financial assistance to the selected 10 companies. During our latest meeting with MATRADE, we have Karamjit Singh from TheEdge Magazine’s NetV@lue division sitting in to give you a perspective of our ongoing...
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May 07


Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) NO. PROGRAMME DATE OF EVENT CITY/COUNTRY OBJECTIVES 1 Specialised Marketing Mission on ICT Services to Qatar and Oman September 2010 Qatar and Oman To promote Malaysian ICT Services to Qatar and Oman - Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC) NO. PROGRAMME DATE OF EVENT CITY/COUNTRY OBJECTIVES 1 Shared...
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