Sep 13

Gathering The EVIDENCE by 20 Sept 2013...

In order to support the opposition to Apple’s application to register the word “STARTUP” with MyIPO, TeAM needs to collect as many evidence possible to show the word is already used by any organisation prior to 2010 or it is currently too commonly used in the community. Here is a guideline of the evidence we are collecting. The materials can be sent to...
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Sep 10

Opposing Apple Inc’s Application To Register the word “STARTUP” with MYIPO...

TeAM, as the main organization that represents and/or works with most of the “Startup” players including companies, Agencies, Technopreneurs as well as the Government, believe that this matter has serious implications for the ecosystem and would require the assistance and cooperation of players/parties within the industry to oppose it. As a start, TeAM hosted a dialogue on 5...
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