Policy Institute

Jun 25

MSC Relocation Survey

MSC was started in 1996 as a special economic zone to accelerate the objectives of Vision 2020 and transform Malaysia into a knowledge-based economy. To woo companies to this initiative, the Government created 10 Bill of Guarantees (“BoG”) that provided the necessary incentives to nurture technopreneurs. For more information please visit http://www.mscmalaysia.my/bog

In order to enjoy the benefits of MSC Status and the 10 BoG, including the first BoG which is “To provide a world-class physical and information infrastructure”, MSC Status companies are required to relocate within the following cybercities and cybercentres (“MSC designated location”) http://www.mscmalaysia.my/node/193

Failure to relocate to one of the cybercities or cybercentres can result in the loss of MSC Status.

However, 17 years later, with the current availability of internet broadband access in every major city and improved facilities and infrastructure, TeAM would like to understand the sentiments of existing MSC companies and other prospective companies on the relocation criteria to getting and maintaining MSC status, by asking the following questions:

We thank you in advance for your feedback. Your individual response will be keep confidential but the summary of responses will be shared as part of TeAM’s policy proposal to the Government of Malaysia

Click here to take survey

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